I had another opportunity to visit Budapest Hungary for work. This time, it was in January. It was cold, and we had little snow. Also, there were ice floating in the river. In this trip, I brought a plastic toy lens: Holga by Lomography.
I took most of these night time photo while walking with my colleagues. For that reason, I did not have the opportunity to use a tripod and had to handhold resulting in high ISO and really noisy images. But for a toy lens with a fixed aperture of F8, it was not too bad and it produced images taken with a toy lens/toy camera on a film.
The Holga's low-cost construction and simple meniscus lens often yields pictures that display vignetting, blur, light leaks, and other distortions. But just these characteristics endows it with distinctive vitality and unique effects. With the lens, the magic of Holga now is available for Nikon and Canon EOS DSLR cameras. It generates soft and dark angle images that cannot be duplicated! The Lens are with a near/far focus adjustment ring and a fixed f/8 aperture. Focal length is 60mm. Lots of fun at a very reasonable price!
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